Tuesday 16 September 2014

Final Evaluation

Year 9 Creative Media Animation Project Term 03: Mr Andrews

Animation Unit: Self-reflection and project evaluation:

Discuss your feelings about the production task:
Are you satisfied with the final result?
I think Im kind of satisfied with my final result because I feel like if I was faster in drawing the background, I couldve put more scenes into the animation. Furthermore, towards the end of my animation, I think the quality dropped slightly because I felt the time pressure and therefore didnt put much detail into the hunter that shot the panda.
Did the animation process require more or less time than you originally thought?
Well, I think it actually required more time than I thought. Drawing the background in detail was especially time consuming and tracing the pandas also costed a lot of time. In the end, I ran out of time and had to alter the ending so I didnt have to draw the baby panda surviving and running out of the cave.
Would like to change any aspects of your final project (style of animation, the concept etc.)?
Yes, I want to change many aspects of my animation. If I get the chance, I would probably prolong the part of the deforestation and somehow make it easier to understand. I would also rework the hunter scene and try to make it as detailed as my scenes before. Also, I would also want to add a couple scenes of my baby panda playing around so when the hunter takes the sack away, the audience will be shocked and when the baby panda is alive again, they will feel pity for the baby who lost her mother and so the whole film might have a greater impact.
If you could start the project again what would you do differently?
If I could start the project again, I would try to spend less time on the background and focus more on the scenes rather than the obsession of drawing every bamboo stick by hand. Also, I would probably link the deforestation better with the actual story and make the use of the butterfly more effective and have a bigger impact. Additionally, I would really love to rework the walking hunter scene and make it into something more detailed than just a stick figure.

Respond to each of the following dot points (using complete sentences or paragraphs). You should include as much detail as possible in your responses.

Discuss whether your final animation has turned out the way you imagined?
I think my final animation half matched the way I imagined it to be. This is because I was sort of rushing at the end and therefore had to alter and condense the ending of my project. Overall, Im pretty happy with the end result and I think this ending can also fit into the message Im trying to deliver.
Discuss whether you had to modify any elements of your original concept and planning to create your project;
I had to modify quite a lot of the elements in my original concept in order to finish the animation. For example, I shortened the part where the baby panda grew up, cut out the scene of the mother and baby playing and at the end where the baby panda crawls out and howls at the night. I had to alter these components because I was running out of time towards the end and if I were to spend time drawing those scenes, I wouldnt have finished. Another reason was that when I was trying to add the scene of the baby panda rolling around, I retrieved a sequence of images from the internet and tried to trace it. But when I looped the drawing at the end, it didnt really flow so to make it flow, I had to connect the different drawings. Being not a particularly talented drawer, I tried and failed to connect it so in the end I just decided to ditch it and move on.
Explain how your animation skills developed during the project (i.e. did you become more efficient?; did the quality of your animation improve?; did you have to use a variety of animation techniques? etc);
My animation skills developed quite a lot during the entire animation process. This was because I got used to the drawing pad and started to draw with a lot more efficiency. I also des covered shortcuts on the computer for Animation-ish such as to press the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 to switch to the tools on the side panel according to their order. This was very useful because I didn't have to go and click the actual tool whilst drawing; I developed a system where I had my drawing pad parallel to the computer and my left hand on the keyboard to press on the shortcuts.
Describe any problems or difficulties you encountered during the animation process. (These may include; technical difficulties, corrupt or missing files, difficulty using the editing software, problems exporting etc.)
I didn't have many difficulties - thank god - but I did have quite a few that had me panicking. For example, in the scene of the baby panda being born, after I finished the drawing, I tried to add a keyframe so that the animation zooms in on the baby. But, every time I clicked the keyframe button, the whole animation just crashed. The first time it happened it was very, very annoying because I had just finished tracing the entire thing so when it crashed, I lost my progress. I reopened the file and redid all the tracing, saved it before adding a keyframe and clicked on the key frame...and it crashed.... again. So, I decided to ask Mr Powell the next day but.... he was away. Luckily, instead of a substitute teacher, we had Mr Andrews so he solved my problem by coping my drawings in the crashing file into a new animation file. I didn't even think of that because I thought you couldn't copy drawings into different files but I learnt the trick and used it for the butterfly in numerous scenes.
Explain if you made effective use of storyboards and scene planning/breakdown?
I think I made effective use of my storyboard because I was able to know right away which scene I was doing after I finished one and could immediately start a new one without wasting time in thinking about it.
Describe whether your planning assisted or helped you to focus during the animation process;
My planning, I think, helped me a lot during the construction process of my animation. This is because in my animation, there are times where the same scene is repeated but with parts being different (deforestation). So, I made a 'base' file for the deforestation part, and every time the forest was cut down, I just opened the previous file, edited it and saved it as a new file. Furthermore, since I knew what I had to do, I was able to start a new scene in class when I forgot my USB because I didn't want to waste any time.
Describe any time-management issues you or your group came across during the project and describe the steps you took to improve in this area;
The time management in this assignment I think was a lot better than my Photoshop one, I constructed my storyboard carefully and therefore didn't have to abandon it and start anew. Because I had spent so much time on perfecting the background, I was rushing a bit towards the last few weeks but I managed to pull it together and submit my assignment one day before the due date :). To do this, I altered the last few scenes in my animation so that the baby seemed to die with the mother (If I have a chance I would show that the baby panda didn't die because I didn't actually show what was in the sack) and then had the storm and the message appearing during the rain.
Discuss whether you undertook adequate and detailed reflection throughout your project. Have you provided enough evidence to support your work? (Look back at your blogs/journals and think about whether it looks like a whole term worth of work);
I think my reflections are alright. There are some evidences of my work and overall I think the posting was better than my Photoshop assignment.
       List any other software skills, animation techniques, tricks or shortcuts you have learned during the project.
       1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 – switching between tools on the side
       Z & X – zooming in and out
       Command Z – undo
       A & S – moving between frames

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